Rab7 expression in various states of murine and human colitis (related to Fig 1)
(A) Immunohistochemistry images of Rab7 staining (brown color) in distal colon sections of healthy and DSS-treated mice (Scale bar=100µm). Inset shows zoomed areas of the image (Scale bar=50µm).
(B) Schematic representation of DSS treatment to mice for different time durations.
(C) Graph represents body weight percent of mice in different groups.
(D) Gross morphology of colon and caeca. Graph shows colon length quantification.
(E) Spleen to body weight ratio indicating increased splenomegaly and inflammation.
(F) Dynamics of Rab7 expression in whole tissue and crypts isolated from the intestines of healthy and DSS-treated mice for different time durations. Corresponding graph shows densitometry analysis of Rab7 expression normalized to loading control (β actin).
(G) A pilot study of Rab7 expression in CD patients. RT-PCR analysis of relative fold expression of Rab7 gene in human CD patient colonic biopsies (n=9) relative to average control values (n=10). HPRT was used for normalization.
(H) Immunoblotting of Rab7 protein in CD (n=3) and control (n=3) biopsy samples. GAPDH was used as loading control.
(I) Immunoblotting of Rab7 protein in human UC remission (n=3) and control (n=3) biopsy samples. GAPDH was used as loading control.
Each dot represents (D, E) one mouse or (F, G and H) one human. Error bars represent mean+SEM. Statistical analysis by Student’s t test. ns=non-significant.