Evolution of the DNAi population (Oligo1 data). Time is expressed in ADSE cycles. a: fraction FD of the total population formed by different sequences obtained from the experiment (red dots) and computed with the IBEE model (green line), fraction F10 of the total population formed by the 10 most abundant sequences (experimental: black dots, IBEE model: gray line). b: ⟨ω⟩ computed on the whole population in each generation (red dots, left-hand side y-axis); ⟨ ΔGDR⟩ computed on a sample of 1000 randomly chosen DNAi from the population in each generation (blue dots, right-hand side y-axis); data fitting with the IBEE model (green line, left-hand side y-axis). The left and right y axes were scaled so that ⟨ΔGDR⟩ and ⟨ω⟩ computed on a pool of random sequence DNAi would coincide (dashed blue and red lines, respectively). c: boxplots and scatterplots of ⟨ΔGDR⟩ in ensembles of 1000 random sequences (left), 1000 randomly chosen DNAi extracted from the experimental population at cycle 24 (middle) and from the top-10 most populous DNAi at the same cycle (right). The color code is assigned to each point based on its ω value (color bar). d-f: probability distributions p (ω) for cycles 0 (d), 12 (e) and 24 (f). In the latter histogram, empty bins result from sub-sampling. Orange points and lines are the distributions evaluated with the null model. g-i: evolution of the abundance (expressed as fraction of the total population F) of sequences whose ω is small (3 ≤ ω ≤ 5- panel g), medium (6 ≤ ω ≤ 10 - panel h) and large (11 ≤ ω - panel i) as obtained from the experiments (dots) and with the IBEE model (green lines). The model results are averages over 20 simulations. The online version of this article includes the following figure supplements:
Figure 2-figure supplement 1. Time evolution of the fraction of PCR by-products and of their ⟨ω⟩.
Figure 2-figure supplement 2. Probability distributions p (⟨ω⟩)of PCR by-products at cycles 0 and 24.
Figure 2-figure supplement 3. Sequencing technical replicate.
Figure 2-figure supplement 4. Checking PCR effects on DNAi selection.
Figure 2-figure supplement 5. Time evolution of ⟨ω⟩ for the Oligo2.
Figure 2-figure supplement 6. Probability distributions p (⟨ω⟩)at cycles 0 and 18 for the Oligo2.
Figure 2-figure supplement 7. Experimental vs IBEE time evolution of the population zip ratio and of the Shannon Entropy associated to the RSA distribution.
Figure 2-figure supplement 8. Experimental vs IBEE ⟨ω⟩ time evolution, for two different IBEE hyperparameters choices.
Figure 2-figure supplement 9. Experimental vs IBEE ⟨ω⟩time evolution, for different sizes and compositions of the starting population of IBEE model.