Sessions recorded with VMT stimulation.
A) Stimulation of the VMT occurred when hippocampal theta power was greater than hippocampal delta power, when theta coherence was neither above a high coherence threshold nor below a low coherence threshold, and using a phase-lag of -1 phase/pi based on visualization of the phase-lag spectrum (N = 57 red, 57 blue laser stimulation events; 1mW power). B) Like in (A), laser onset was timed according to a theta delta ratio and theta coherence magnitude, but this occurred as the animal explored a maze (N = 91 blue, 78 red laser stimulation events; 1mW power). C) Laser onset was timed to epochs when theta power in the hippocampus was less than delta power in the hippocampus (N = 114 red, 131 blue laser stimulation events; 1mW power). D) The VMT was stimulated at 6Hz when hippocampal theta power was less than delta power (N = 104 red, 93 blue laser events). E) Same data as shown in Fig. 6. VMT stimulation was timed around hippocampal theta power exceeding hippocampal delta power, and mPFC-hippocampal theta coherence magnitude falling in between high and low coherence thresholds (113 blue, 101 red laser events; 4.5mW power). F) Rat #2 received 7Hz stimulation randomly (N = 57 red, 57 blue laser stimulation events; 17mW power). G) As shown in Fig. 6, rat #2 also received a session with 8Hz VMT stimulation timed to epochs when 8Hz theta power was the strongest frequency across 1-50Hz (104 red, 108 blue laser stimulation events). Data are represented as the mean ± s.e.m. Benjamini Hochberg corrected p-values are represented in magenta, tested over 6-11Hz with two-sample t-tests. H) The VMT of rat #3 was stimulated across various frequency ranges to understand the effect of VMT theta on the enhancement of prefrontal oscillation power. Each sub-panel represents a power spectrum calculated over the averaged LFP from 1/8 shanks on a 64ch silicon probe. Blue colors indicate blue laser stimulation, red indicates red laser stimulation, black indicates data after stimulation end. VMT stimulation increased mean power when stimulated at 7Hz (N = 83 blue, 88 red laser events), 15Hz (N = 44 blue, 42 red laser events), and 30Hz (N = 34 blue, 52 red laser events), but altered the shape of the power spectrum at 4Hz (N = 39 blue, 47 red laser events). Red laser stimulation increased mean 15Hz and 30Hz power on Shank #5 (S5). Data are represented as the mean.