

eLife reviews research including brain function, neuronal circuits, synapses, sensory processing and motor pattern generation. Learn more about what we review and sign up for the latest research.
Illustration by Davide Bonazzi

Latest articles

    1. Neuroscience

    Brain-derived and in vitro-seeded alpha-synuclein fibrils exhibit distinct biophysical profiles

    Selene Seoyun Lee, Livia Civitelli, Laura Parkkinen
    1. Neuroscience

    Recording γ-secretase activity in living mouse brains

    Steven S Hou, Yuya Ikegawa ... Masato Maesako
    A new imaging tool to record γ-secretase activity in vivo.
    1. Neuroscience

    AgRP1 modulates breeding season-dependent feeding behavior in female medaka

    Yurika Tagui, Shingo Takeda ... Chie Umatani
    1. Neuroscience

    The value of initiating a pursuit in temporal decision-making

    Elissa Sutlief, Charlie Walters ... Marshall G Hussain Shuler
    1. Neuroscience

    PKCδ is an activator of neuronal mitochondrial metabolism that mediates the spacing effect on memory consolidation

    Typhaine Comyn, Thomas Preat ... Pierre-Yves Plaçais
    1. Neuroscience

    Methamphetamine-induced adaptation of learning rate dynamics depend on baseline performance

    Hans Kirschner, Hanna M Molla ... Markus Ullsperger


    1. Neuroscience

    Dopamine: Making memories

    Francesco Longo
    1. Neuroscience

    Beware of hidden noise

    Morgan Fitzgerald, Eena Kosik, Bradley Voytek
    1. Medicine
    2. Neuroscience

    An alternative to opioids

    Jie Zhang, Jianguo Cheng

Senior editors

  1. Christian Büchel
    University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany
  2. Claude Desplan
    New York University, United States
  3. Tamar Makin
    University College London, United Kingdom
  4. See more editors