(A) Our analysis of 51,292 DGI claims (see Supplementary file 1) in the literature revealed 60,159 supporting findings (green) and 4253 opposing findings (pink) in aggregate. These DGI claims …
(A) Bootstrap samples of agreement (1 = agreement, 0 = disagreement) among pairs of papers that reported findings about the same drug-gene interaction depending on whether the pairs of papers shared …
We used the normal kernel function to estimate probability density functions.
(A) Posterior distributions of probability of support in the biomedical literature for a sample of seven DGI claims for which there are at least two findings (supporting and/or opposing). Note that …
(A) Probability of claim replication estimated via a logistic regression model with replication as the response variable and support in the literature and experimental variability as predictors, for …
(A) Mean number of findings supporting or opposing the direction of the effect for a scientific claim across our typology. (B) Cumulative distribution of the probability of support in the …
(A) Multilayer networks for four of the claims shown in Figure 2A. The nodes in each layer are scientific papers. Pairs of papers are connected by an unweighted edge in the top layer if they agree …
Social, methodological, and prior knowledge independencies are positively correlated with each other and negatively correlated with the network centralization of scientific communities. n = 2493 …
(A) Distribution of papers against the number of supporting findings they report. (B) Distribution of pairs of papers against the number of supporting findings they report.
(A) Odds ratios derived from logistic regression models with claim replication as the response variable and seven predictors modeled independently (disconnected colored dots; n = 2493) and …
(A) Relative risk (RR) of claim replication derived from the logistic regression models in Figure 4A. (B–H) Predicted probabilities (PP) of claim replication for the logistic regression models in …
(A–C) Logistic interaction model with claim replication as the response variable regressed on support in the literature and author centralization as interacting predictors, controlling for …
(A–C) Logistic interaction model with claim replication as the response variable regressed on support from the literature and social independence as interacting predictors, controlling for …
We used the normal kernel function to estimate probability density functions.
Odds ratios derived from logistic model with replication as the response variable, including only predictors with relatively low variance inflation factor (VIF <4). Predictors are rescaled for …
Data about the corpus of 51,292 drug-gene interaction claims.
Data about the sub-corpus of 2493 drug-gene interaction claims for which there are two or more published findings.
Logistic regression models with claim replication R [Replicated = 1, Non-replicated = 0] as response variable and predictors modelled independently.
Logistic regression models with claim replication R [Replicated = 1, Non-replicated = 0] as response variable and predictors modelled simultaneously.