1 | Agricultural Land Use Inventory (ALUI) | BC Ministry of Agriculture (data user agreement) | | 2013 + 2014 | | Cover = ATVC (Anthropogenic Terrestrial Vegetated Cultivated) | Ground-truthed data, not strictly based on remotely sensed image interpretation. Used ATVC category (Agricultural Terrestrial Vegetated Cultivated) class to identify specific agricultural categories – Orchards, Vineyards, Field, Other (2013/14). |
Agriculture - Orchards | CovType = C200 (Tree Fruits) |
Agriculture - Field | CovType = C320 (Berries) or CovType = C500 (Vegetables) |
Agriculture - Vineyards | CovGroupType = C311 (Grapes) |
Agriculture - Other | CovType = C100 (Cereals, Grains, Oilseeds), C400 (Forage, Pasture), C600 (Floriculture), C710 (Specialty), C720 (Turf), C730 (Nut Trees), C810 (Nursery), C820 (Tree Plantations), C900 (Other) |
2 | Okanagan Wetlands Strategy (OWS) | Ecoscape Consulting Ltd. | | 2009 + 2010 + 2011 + 2014 | Wetlands | | Compiled regional database. Includes data from the following sources: City of Kelowna WIM (2009);BC Freshwater Atlas (2014); MOE Wetland Inventory Project (2009); Alkali-Saltgrass Herbaceous Vegetation Community Assessment (2011); SEI/TEM for the study area; SHIM (BX Creek, NORD, Vaseux Creek and Oliver, Prairie Creek, Winfield Creek, various dates); FIM (Kalamalka, Wood, Mabel, Mara, Okanagan, Osoyoos, various dates); LRIM (Lower Shuswap River Inventory and Mapping, 2010); Ducks Unlimited (DU) data (various sources). |
3 | BC Freshwater Atlas (FWA) | BC Ministry of Environment (Data Distribution Service) | | 2009 | Lakes | | Lakes |
Rivers | Rivers (polygons) |
Man Made Waterbodies | Reservoirs |
4 | Municipal and Regional Zoning | RDNO Open Data | RDNO | 2017 | Urban - CommercialUrban - InstitutionalUrban - IndustrialUrban - ResidentialRural - ResidentialParks | | Simplified and compiled zoning data from all municipal jurisdictions in the study area. Used supporting by-law documentation to limit local codes to categories: Urban – Commercial, Urban – Industrial, Urban – Institutional, Urban – Residential, Rural – Residential. (Parks were also identified in the zoning data but not incorporated until later in the model). |
AreaBZoning | 2017 | Zoning and Zoning_Des |
AreaCZoning | 2017 | Zoning and Zoning_Des |
AreaDZoning | 2017 | Zoning and Zoning_Des |
AreaEZoning | 2017 | Zoning and Zoning_Des |
AreaF_OCP | 2017 | Zoning and Zoning_Des |
Coldstream_Zoning | 2017 | Zoning and Zoning_Des |
Enderby_Zoning | 2016 | Zoning and Zoning_Des |
Lumby_Zoning | 2012 | Zoning and Zoning_Des |
City of Vernon Open Data | Vernon_Zoning | 2004 | Zoning_Val and Zoning_Des |
RDCO (data user agreement) | RDCO | 2017 | |
BrentTrepanier_FutureLandUse | 2017 | |
Ellison_FutureLandUse | 2017 | |
JoeRich_LandUse | 2017 | |
LakeCountry_FutureLandUse | 2017 | |
Peachland_LandUse | 2017 | |
RuralWestside_FutureLandUse | 2017 | |
SouthSlopes_FutureLandUse | 2017 | |
WestKelowna_LandUse | 2017 | |
City of Kelowna Open Data | Kelowna_Zoning | 2017 | ZoningCode |
RDOS Open Data | RDOS Zoning | 2017 | Designation |
5 | Sensitive Ecosystems Inventory (SEI) | RDCO Open Data | RDCO_SEI | 2001–2015 | Forest | BW (Broadleaf Woodlands); MF (Mature Forest); OF (Old Forest); WD (Coniferous Woodlands) | RDCO SEI coverage for RDCO portion of study area, provincial SEI coverage for north and south regional districts. Only selected polygons that contained sensitive ecosystems in the primary ground cover field. |
Shrub | SV (Sparsely Vegetated) |
Grassland | GR (Grasslands) |
BC Ministry of Environment (Data Distribution Service) | SEI | 2010 | Forest | BW (Broadleaf Woodlands); MF (Mature Forest); OF (Old Forest); WD (Coniferous Woodlands) |
Shrub | SV (Sparsely Vegetated); AS (Antelope-Brush Steppe); SS (Sagebrush Steppe) |
Grassland | GR (Grasslands); DG (Disturbed Grasslands) |
6 | Grasslands | Grasslands Conservation Council (GCC) | GCC Grasslands | 2017 | | | Compiled grasslands data. |
7 | Vegetative Resource Inventory (VRI) | BC Ministry of Forest, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (Data Distribution Service) | | 2002–2017 | Forest | BCLCS Level 1 (BCLCS_LEVE) = V (Vegetated); BCLCS Level 4 (BCLCS_LEVE3) – TC (Treed Coniferous); TB (Treed Broadleaf); TM (Treed Mixed) | VRI categories: Vegetated – Treed, Vegetated – Shrub, or Vegetated – Grasslands |
Grassland |
Shrub |
8 | Parks | See notes on zoning data | Zoning Data (all jurisdictions) | 2004–2017 | Park_Manicured | See notes on zoning data | Parks were subdivided into two classes – Natural and Manicured. Natural parks included provincial parks and regional parks. Manicured parks included parks from urbanized areas (Penticton, Vernon, Armstrong, RDCO). This included all of RDCO since this zoning mainly covers urban and urban fringe areas. Manicured parks also included any zoned parks in the study area that were coincident with DMTI golf course points data, even if these fell outside of the urban centres. |
Data Distribution Service | Provincial Parks | 2017 | Park_Natural |
Data Distribution Service | Conservation Lands | 2013 | Park_Natural |
RDCO Open Data | RDCO Parks | 2017 | Park_Natural |
9 | Vegetative Resource Inventory (VRI) | BC Ministry of Forest, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (Data Distribution Service) | | 2002–2017 | Rock/Rubble | BCLCS Level 4 = Rock/Rubble (1447) | VRI categories: Rock/Rubble, Snow/Ice, Exposed Land, Water (Lakes, Rivers, Reservoirs) |
Rivers | BCLCS Level 4 = Water (1069) |
Lake | BCLCS Level 4 = Water (1069) |
Exposed Land | BCLCS Level 4 = Exposed Land (865) |
Reservoir | BCLCS Level 4 = Water (1069) |