Human disturbance increases spatiotemporal associations among mountain forest terrestrial mammal species
Conceptual framework illustrating the community-level effects of human disturbance on spatiotemporal associations among mountain forest terrestrial mammal species.
The effects of environmental and anthropogenic variables on terrestrial mammals in the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon.
Figure 2—source data 1
Standardized beta coefficients, and 95% credible intervals, for the influence of anthropogenic and environmental covariates on the probability a species used an area during our camera-trap survey in Medog region.
* denotes significant positive and negative effects based on 95% CIs.
Estimates of associations between 17 terrestrial mammals across camera trapping stations with different human modifications in the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon.
Associations are shown for the region’s (a) minimum (Lower), (b) mean (Moderate), and (c) maximum (Higher) human modifications.
95% confidence intervals of residual associations between species pairs at lower human modification level.
* denotes significant associations (i.e. p<0.01).
95% confidence intervals of residual associations between species pairs at moderate modification level.
* denotes significant associations (i.e. p<0.01).
95% confidence intervals of residual associations between species pairs at higher modification level.
* denotes significant associations (i.e. p<0.01).
Estimates of associations between 17 terrestrial mammals across camera trapping stations with different human presence in the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon.
Associations are shown for the region’s (a) minimum (Lower), (b) mean (Moderate), and (c) maximum (Higher) human presence.
95% confidence intervals of residual associations between species pairs at lower human presence level.
* denotes significant associations (i.e. p<0.01).
95% confidence intervals of residual associations between species pairs at moderate human presence level.
* denotes significant associations (i.e. p<0.01).
95% confidence intervals of residual associations between species pairs at higher presence level.
* denotes significant associations (i.e. p<0.01).
Density distributions of encounter time between successive detections of species pairs (in log-transformed days) in low- and high-human modification (a) and human presence (b) habitats, and differences in time-to-encounter between species pairs in low- and high-human modification (c) and human presence (d) habitats.
The solid vertical lines in (c) and (d) represent mean differences, and the dashed vertical lines indicate 95% confidence intervals.
Shifts in nocturnality of carnivores (a), ungulates (b), and combination of carnivores and ungulates (c) in the lower- and higher-human modification habitats.
Location of study area in the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon National Nature Reserve in the southeast of the Tibetan Autonomous Region of China.
Independent detection of ground-dwelling medium- and large-bodied mammal species based on camera trapping survey in the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon, southeast Tibet.
Order | Family | Genus | Species | Independent detections | IUCN category |
Cetartiodactyla | Bovidae | Budorcas | Budorcas taxicolor | 92 | VU |
Cetartiodactyla | Bovidae | Capricornis | Capricornis milneedwardsii | 2992 | NT |
Carnivora | Felidae | Catopuma | Catopuma temminckii | 232 | NT |
Carnivora | Canidae | Cuon | Cuon alpinus | 256 | EN |
Carnivora | Mustelidae | Martes | Martes flavigula | 469 | LC |
Cetartiodactyla | Cervidae | Muntiacus | Muntiacus muntjak | 4696 | LC |
Cetartiodactyla | Bovidae | Naemorhedus | Naemorhedus baileyi | 254 | VU |
Carnivora | Felidae | Neofelis | Neofelis nebulosa | 45 | VU |
Carnivora | Viverridae | Paguma | Paguma larvata | 223 | LC |
Carnivora | Felidae | Panthera | Panthera tigris | 26 | EN |
Carnivora | Felidae | Pardofelis | Pardofelis marmorata | 54 | NT |
Carnivora | Felidae | Prionailurus | Prionailurus bengalensis | 164 | LC |
Carnivora | Prionodontidae | Prionodon | Prionodon pardicolor | 28 | LC |
Cetartiodactyla | Suidae | Sus | Sus scrofa | 269 | LC |
Carnivora | Ursidae | Ursus | Ursus thibetanus | 463 | VU |
Carnivora | Viverridae | Viverra | Viverra zibetha | 37 | LC |
Carnivora | Canidae | Vulpes | Vulpes vulpes | 88 | LC |