Plasmodesmata. Image credit: Microbiologybytes (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Plant cells communicate with each other via narrow channels embedded across adjacent cell walls. These channels, called plasmodesmata, allow molecules to pass between cells, thereby enabling plants to grow normally and develop tissues and organs. But plasmodesmata also serve as passageways that viruses can exploit to infect more and more cells. Given these pros and cons, plants must regulate how permeable their plasmodesmata are so they can transport necessary materials cell-to-cell while still defending against the spread of infection.
Each cell within plants, animals, and fungi, contains a protein skeleton that helps to stabilize it. A threadlike fiber called actin filament, one of the key components that makes up the cell’s skeleton, presumably extends out to the plasmodesmata, which lie across the cell’s external wall. Previous research has shown that actin helps regulate cell-to-cell traffic through the plasmodesmata and that drug treatments involving actin disturb normal traffic. But techniques to visualize actin at the plasmodesmata are lacking, and both how plants control their plasmodesmata and actin’s involvement remain unclear.
Diao et al. used a confocal microscope, fluorescent tags, and staining procedures in experiments that analyzed how plasmodesmata and actin interact within a small flowering plant called thale cress. These experiments showed that a protein known to regulate actin, called Formin 2, positions itself at the plasmodesmata where it caps off actin threads and anchors them to the channels. Diao et al. also generated thale cress that cannot produce Formin 2. These mutant plants had more permeable plasmodesmata and were more susceptible to a virus.
By stably tethering actin to the plasmodesmata, Formin 2 plays a key part in regulating the permeability of these cell-to-cell channels, with unstable actin threads resulting in more penetrable plasmodesmata. These findings provide further evidence that plants rely on actin to regulate plasmodesmata, and they establish that Formin 2 is involved. Further research will clarify how actin and Formin 2 work together to adjust the structure of plasmodesmata channels.