Much like digital cameras record images using a grid of tiny pixels, our own visual experience results from the activity of many neurons, each with its own receptive field. A neuron’s receptive field is the area of visual space – the scene in front of our eyes – to which that neuron responds. But whereas digital pixels have fixed locations, the receptive fields of neurons do not. If we switch our attention to a different area of the scene in front of us, visual neurons move their receptive fields to cover that area instead. We do not need to move our eyes for this to happen, just the focus of our attention.
Moving receptive fields in this way enables the visual system to generate more detailed vision at the new attended location. Unlike a digital camera, the brain is thus much more than a passive recording device. But does the movement of receptive fields also depend on what we are attending to at a given location? Paying attention to tiny details, for example, might require many receptive fields to move by large amounts to produce vision with high enough resolution.
Van Es et al. have now answered this question by using a brain scanner to measure receptive fields in healthy volunteers. The volunteers focused on different visual features, such as color or motion, and to various visual locations. When the volunteers attended to color, their attention was more tightly focused than when they attended to motion. This might be because processing color requires fine-detail vision, whereas we can detect movement with our attention spread over a larger area. As a result, receptive fields moved more when the volunteers attended to color than when they attended to motion.
Movement of visual receptive fields thus depends on what we attend to, as well as where we focus our attention. This adds to our understanding of how the brain filters the information bombarding our senses. This might lead to better diagnosis and treatment of disorders that include attentional problems, such as autism and ADHD. The results could also help develop artificial intelligence systems that, like the visual system, can process information flexibly to achieve different goals.