Cooperative rescue

When under attack by antimicrobial peptides, certain bacteria soak up most of these antibiotic agents, increasing the chance of survival for the rest of the population.

Escherichia coli bacteria. Image credit: NIAID (CC BY 2.0)

Many organisms use molecules called antimicrobial peptides as a first line of defense against harmful bacteria. For example, in humans, these natural antibiotics are found in the airways, on the skin and in the urinary tract. Because antimicrobial peptides are positively charged, they function in a different way compared to conventional antibiotics. They are attracted to the negatively charged surface of a bacterium, where they latch onto and penetrate through the membrane that encapsulates the microbe. While this mechanism is well studied at the molecular level, very little is known about how antimicrobial peptides spread and interact in a population of bacteria.

Snoussi et al. combined several approaches to investigate the dynamics of antimicrobial peptides in Escherichia coli populations of varying densities. Experiments on single cells showed that peptides stopped the growth of bacteria, which were found to be more susceptible during the late stages of their life cycle. The dying cells then absorbed and retained a large number of antimicrobial peptides. This left fewer ‘free’ peptides that could target the other E. coli cells. In fact, when there were not enough peptides to kill all the bacteria, two sub-populations quickly emerged: one group that had stopped dividing – ‘soaking up’ the peptides – and another group that could grow unharmed. This new type of cooperation between threatened E. coli bacteria is passive, as it does not rely on any direct interactions between cells. The results by Snoussi et al. are relevant to medicine, because they highlight the relative importance for the body to produce enough new antimicrobial peptides to replenish the molecules trapped in bacteria.