DNA viruses, such as the herpes simplex virus, can cause a variety of diseases in humans. Image credit: Public domain
Cells carefully package their DNA, tightly wrapping the long, stringy molecule around spool-like groups of proteins called histones. However, the genes that are draped around histones are effectively silenced, because they are ‘hidden’ from the molecular actors that read the genetic information to create proteins. A cell can control which of its genes are active by using proteins to move histones on or off specific portions of DNA. For example, a protein known as ATRX associates with a partner to load histones onto precise DNA regions and switch them off.
Wrapping DNA around histones can also be a defense mechanism against viruses, which are tiny cellular parasites that hijack the molecular machinery of a cell to create more of themselves. For instance, the herpes simplex virus, which causes cold sores and genital herpes, injects its DNA into a cell where it is used as a template to create new viral particles. By packaging the DNA of the virus around histones, the cell ensures that this foreign genetic information cannot be used to make more invaders. However, the details of this process remain unknown. In particular, it is still unclear what happens immediately after the virus penetrates the nucleus, the compartment that shelters the DNA of the cell.
Here, Cabral et al. explored this question by dissecting the role of ATRX in silencing the genetic information of the herpes simplex virus. The viral DNA was labeled while inside the virus itself, and then tracked using microscopy imaging techniques as it made its way into the cell and inside the nucleus. This revealed that, almost immediately after the viral DNA had entered the nucleus, ATRX came in contact with the foreign molecule. One possibility was that ATRX would be responsible for loading certain forms of histones onto the viral DNA. However, after Cabral et al. deleted ATRX from the cell, histones were still present on the genetic information of the virus, but this association was less stable. This indicated that ATRX was only required to keep histones latched onto the viral DNA, but not to load the proteins in the first place.
Overall, these results show that using histones to silence viral DNA in done in several steps: first, the foreign genetic material needs to be recognized, then histones have to be attached, and finally molecular actors should be recruited to keep histones onto the DNA.
Knowing how cells ward off the herpes simplex virus could help us find ways to ‘boost’ this defense mechanism. Armed with this knowledge, we could also begin to understand why certain people are more likely to be infected by this virus.