Steering spiral waves with light

Nature is full of rotating spirals, and methods to control them may lead to new treatments for heart conditions.

A simulated spiral wave. Image credit: Majumder, Feola et al. (CC BY 4.0)

From a spinning galaxy to a swarm of honeybees, rotating spirals are widespread in nature. Even within the muscles of the heart, waves of electrical activity sometimes rotate spirally, leading to irregular heart rhythms or arrhythmia – a condition that can be fatal.

Irrespective of where they occur, spiral waves organize around a center or core with different biophysical properties compared to the rest of the medium. The properties of the core determine the overall dynamics of the spiral. This means that, theoretically, it should be possibly to completely control a spiral wave just by manipulating its core.

Now, Majumder, Feola et al. have tested this long-standing hypothesis using a combination of computer modeling and experiments with single layers of rat heart cells grown in a laboratory. First, the heart cells were genetically modified so that their electrical properties could be altered with light; in other words, the cells were put under optical control. Next, by using of a narrow beam of light, Majumder, Feola et al. precisely controlled the electrical properties of a small number of cells, which then attracted and supported a rotating spiral wave by acting as its new core. Moving the light beam allowed the core of the spiral wave to be shifted too, meaning the spiral wave could now be steered along any desired path in the cell layer.

Majumder, Feola et al. hope that these underlying principles may one day provide the basis of new treatments for irregular heartbeats that are more effective and less damaging to the heart than existing options. Yet first, more work is needed to translate these findings from single layers of cells to actual hearts.