Gene drives could help us in our fight against disease-carrying animals, such as the mosquito that transmits dengue and yellow fever. Image credit: James Gathany, courtesy of Centers for Disease Control (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Gene drives are a new genome editing technology where artificial gene packages are designed to create a mutation that will quickly spread within a population. These packages target a specific sequence in a genome, where they could potentially add, remove or deactivate a gene. They also trigger a process known as drive conversion, which ensures the mutation will be inherited at a higher rate than normal. Within several generations, nearly every organism in the population will carry this genetic change.
This technology could, for example, help us eradicate disease-carrying mosquitoes, crop pests or invasive species. However, it could also have unforeseen and dangerous consequences. It is therefore crucial to keep gene drives within laboratory walls before they are ready to be released. Even if a small numbers of genetically modified animals were to escape, they could rapidly spread the packages within a wild population.
To prevent this, scientists have devised two safeguarding strategies. One, called synthetic target site gene drive, uses target sequences that have been introduced on purpose in research organisms, but which are absent in wild populations. If the gene drive were to escape, it could not spread in the genomes of wild creatures because they lack the synthetic target site. Alternatively, split drive systems can also limit risk. There, the different components required for a gene drive are not packaged together, but in separate locations in the genome. Some of these elements are inherited at a normal rate, so the gene drive fizzles out after a few generations. However, it was still unclear whether synthetic gene drives and split drive systems could be used instead of the classic approach and yield the same results in research.
Champer et al. compared traditional gene drives, synthetic target site gene drives, and split drive systems in fruit flies raised in the laboratory. The experiments show that the three approaches lead to similar results, with the genetic package spreading and creating resistance in a similar way. They also confirm that, in split drive systems, both components of the drive must be genetically inherited to create the intended mutation.
Synthetic gene drives and split drive systems could therefore be used in experiments on gene drives, especially in studies with large numbers of organisms. Ultimately, adopting these measures could help to keep gene drive research safe, which may encourage more scientific teams to work on this technology and exploit its potential.