Scans of a monkey’s brain, from the top (left; eyes are at the top), or the side (right; eyes are on the right). This animal is missing its primary visual cortex (dark grey areas at the back of the brain). Image credit: Bridge et al. (CC BY 4.0)
Vision depends on the brain as well as on the eyes. Almost all information from the eyes travels to a brain region called the primary visual cortex. This large expanse of tissue at the back of the brain contains a detailed map of the visual world. Adults who suffer damage to part of the primary visual cortex become blind in the corresponding area of visual space, a phenomenon known as cortical blindness. Yet, adults with cortical blindness can also experience ‘blindsight’: they can still point correctly to bright, moving images, even though they claim they cannot see them.
One of the roles of primary visual cortex is to act as a gateway to other, ‘higher’ visual areas of the brain. These regions process the input they receive from the primary visual cortex to generate a rich and coherent visual representation. But how do adults with blindsight, in whom the major gateway from the eyes to higher visual areas has been damaged, still manage to respond to visual stimuli?
By chance, Bridge et al. discovered a monkey whose unusual brain anatomy provides clues as to why this is possible. The monkey behaved much like its peers, leaping between the perches of its enclosure with ease. But when Bridge et al. tried to train the animal on a visual task, it proved unable to learn like the other monkeys. A brain scan revealed that it had almost no primary visual cortex, probably because of an abnormality that arose early in development.
Further studies of the monkey’s brain showed that the other structures involved in visual processing were in their usual places and were of normal size. Connections from the eyes to higher visual areas that bypass the primary visual cortex were normal, but were no stronger than in other monkeys. In fact, areas beyond the primary visual cortex showed no fundamental changes in how they processed visual information.
The brain of this monkey had thus adapted to early loss of the major gateway from the eyes to higher visual cortex. Visual areas of the brain beyond the primary visual cortex continued to work as normal, helping to minimize vision loss. Because the visual brain differs little between primates, this discovery could also benefit patients with blindsight. It suggests that targeting higher visual areas could further improve vision in patients with damage to the primary visual cortex.