Cousins in arms

The arms and tentacles of cephalopods are built by the same genetic mechanisms as vertebrate limbs and insect wings.

A scanning electron micrograph of a developing cuttlefish arm. Image credit: Tarazona et al. (CC BY 4.0)

Legs, wings, flippers and tentacles are just some examples of the diverse variety of animal limbs. Despite striking differences in form and function, all limbs develop in embryos using similar fundamental processes, like producing an outgrowth from the body and placing structures such as fingers, feathers, or suckers at appropriate positions. Animals have solved this problem multiple times during the history of life on Earth, in that limbed animals have arisen from limbless ancestors on many separate occasions. It is not clear, however, whether the same genetic instructions shape the developing limbs of all species.

Species that have limbs fall under three main groups of animals: arthropods, such as insects and crustaceans; vertebrates, like amphibians, reptiles and mammals; and a specialized group of mollusks known as cephalopods, which includes squid, cuttlefish and octopuses. It has been over two decades since the discovery that the limbs of vertebrates and insects develop using a similar molecular recipe, but the mechanisms responsible for the limbs of cephalopods had not been determined.

Tarazona et al. have now established that the genetic mechanisms that control how cuttlefish limbs develop are the same as those used by the limbs of vertebrates and insects. These mechanisms are also applied for similar purposes in each animal group. Notably, a signaling pathway called hedgehog, which controls the number of fingers that develop on a hand, also dictates the number of suckers on a cuttlefish arm. This may mean that an ancient system for creating limbs emerged over 500 million years ago in the earliest animals with bilateral symmetry (i.e., animals with mirror image halves), and activating this ancient genetic program resulted in the evolution of limbs in different animal lineages.

The extent of the genetic similarities between cuttlefish, mammals and insects suggests that this mechanism is likely to provide instructions about where cells position themselves in the developing limb. The next step is to examine how these common systems are interpreted differently to give arms, legs, wings and other limb forms.