Resting membrane potentials visualized by VF-FLIM in cells under low and high potassium ion concentrations: the warmer the colors, the more negative the membrane potentials. Image credit: Lazzari-Dean et al. (CC BY 4.0)
All living cells are like tiny batteries. As long as a cell is alive, it actively maintains a difference in electrical charge between its interior and exterior. This charge difference, or voltage, is called the membrane potential, and it is vital for our bodies to work properly. For example, fast changes in membrane potential control our heartbeat and underpin the electrical signals that brain cells use to communicate.
Slower changes in membrane potential – ranging from minutes to days – may also play important roles in other organs. To understand how and why membrane potential is important in these contexts, we need methods to measure it accurately in individual cells.
One way is to puncture cells with microscopic electrodes: this yields accurate results but damages the cells and can only measure one cell at a time. Alternative methods treat cells with special fluorescent dyes and then image them with a microscope. The dyes emit light in response to voltage variations: when the cells’ membrane potential changes, the dyes glow brighter. The changes in light intensity give an estimate of the size of the change in membrane potential. This allows many cells to be analyzed without harming them, but it is less accurate.
Fluorescence lifetime refers to how long fluorescent dyes take to finish emitting light, and this phenomenon has already helped researchers to record a variety of processes in the cell. Lazzari-Dean et al. therefore wanted to use fluorescence lifetime to develop a better way of recording membrane potential. This method, called VF-FLIM, relied on measuring how long certain dyes took to finish emitting light at specific voltages, rather than how bright they were.
Experiments using mammalian cells grown in the laboratory showed that the membrane potentials measured with VF-FLIM were similar to those recorded with electrodes, which represent the highest standard of accuracy. The new method was at least eight times more accurate than other techniques using fluorescent dyes. VF-FLIM could also measure many thousands of cells within a few hours, a hundred times faster than electrode-based methods. Finally, tests on human cancer cells revealed that VF-FLIM could detect that these cells go through gradual changes in membrane potential in response to growth signals.
VF-FLIM is a new, non-invasive tool that can measure changes in membrane potential more quickly and accurately. This will help to better understand the many roles membrane potential could play in healthy and diseased cells.