Switching on brain cell genes

A protein called SMARCB1 helps human immature cells develop into healthy, mature brain cells by making sure the right genes are turned on and off.

Human cells stained in blue that are either still in their stem cell state (green) or are progressing towards a brain cell fate (red). Image Credit: Lee Langer (CC BY 4.0)

Our bodies contain trillions of cells that play a wide variety of roles. Despite looking and behaving very differently to one another, all of these ‘mature’ cells somehow descend from a single fertilized egg that contains just one set of genes. This process is partially controlled by how ‘accessible’ genetic material is to the cell machinery that switches genes on or off. For example, in immature brain cells, genes required for memory are accessible, but genes needed to produce bone are not.

The developing embryo needs to control gene accessibility carefully to ensure that the right genes become available at the right time, and that crucial genes are not incorrectly ‘hidden’. In humans, the protein SMARCB1 plays an important role in this process: if damaged or deleted, development will be severely disrupted, sometimes causing brain cancer early in life. However, it remains unclear how exactly SMARCB1 regulates the accessibility of its ‘target’ genes. Now, Langer et al. set out to answer this question, and also to determine which parts of the body need SMARCB1 to develop properly.

Human stem cells can develop into multiple mature cell types if given the right signals. Langer et al. found reducing levels of SMARCB1 prevented stem cells from maturing into brain cells, but not other kinds of cells. This suggests that SMARCB1 has a specific role in brain development, which is consistent with its devastating effect on brain health when damaged.

A detailed analysis of genetic activity and DNA accessibility showed that SMARCB1 was doing this by switching off specific regions of DNA, called stem cell super-enhancers. These regions normally enhance the activity of genes that maintain stem cells in their immature state: when certain super-enhancers are turned off by SMARCB1, this allows stem cells to progress towards a brain cell fate.

These results help us understand why damage to SMARCB1 during development causes brain cancer more often than other kinds of cancer. In the future, they could also help explain how certain types of cancer form, which would be the first step towards knowing how to treat them.