Outside (left) and inside (right) view of the Q. thermotolerans iron storage encapsulin. The background shows bacterial cells expressing the encapsulin and accumulating large iron particles. Image credit: Tobias W. Giessen (CC BY 4.0)
People often think of the cell as the basic unit of life. Despite this, individual cells are also subdivided into many compartments, called ‘organelles’ because they act like the internal organs of the cell. For example, organelles can break down nutrients, store information in the form of DNA, or help remove waste. Even bacterial cells, despite being smaller and simpler than most other cell types, contain organelle-like structures. These are tiny compartments, termed protein organelles, which are enclosed by ‘shells’ made from self-assembling proteins within the cell.
Cells need iron to carry out the chemical reactions necessary for life. Iron is therefore an essential nutrient, but it can also be toxic if not stored properly inside the cell. Cells often solve this problem by locking iron away inside small, specialised protein cages called ferritins until it can be used. Most organisms, from humans to bacteria, have ferritins, but some do not, and the way these organisms store iron remains largely unknown.
The bacterium Quasibacillus thermotolerans is an example of an organism that lacks ferritins. However, it does contain a recently discovered type of protein organelle, called an encapsulin. Giessen et al. wanted to find out more about the structure of this protein organelle, and to determine if it helped these bacteria store iron.
Q. thermotolerans’ encapsulin turned out to be the largest of its kind discovered to date. Detailed imaging experiments, using a combination of electron microscopy and X-ray- based techniques, revealed that the protein shell of the encapsulin had an overall structure resembling chain mail and contained multiple pores. These pores were negatively charged, meaning that they could efficiently attract iron (which has a positive charge) and funnel it into the interior of the compartment. The compartment itself was able to store at least 20 times more iron than ferritins, making this encapsulin one of the most efficient methods of iron storage in any cell.
These findings will help us better understand how bacteria that lack ferritins cope with the problem of iron storage. In the future, encapsulins could also be used as a target for new therapies to fight bacterial infections, or even as the building blocks for microscopic chemical reactors or ‘storage facilities’ in industrial applications.