Brain’s GPS includes multi-scale maps

A computer model reveals how the brain uses grid cells to represent a single area of space, such as a room, at different scales.

Stack of vintage National Geographic world maps. Image credit: Cindy Shebley (CC BY 2.0)

In a room, we have a sense of our location relative to the doors and to objects within the room. This is because the brain constructs a mental map of our current environment. As we move around the room, neurons called grid cells fire whenever we are in specific locations. But these locations are not random. They correspond to the corners of a grid of tessellating triangles on the floor, a little like the dots in a regular polka-dot pattern. Grid cells fire whenever we stand on one of the dots. This enables the brain to keep track of where we are and where we are heading.

But the brain does not use just a single grid cell map to represent a room. Instead, it uses multiple maps with different spatial scales. These maps differ in the distance between the points at which each grid cell fires, that is, the distance between the polka dots. Some maps have many small triangles, providing high resolution spatial information. Others have fewer, larger triangles. This is similar to how we use maps with different spatial scales when driving between cities versus walking around a single neighborhood. A set of grid cell maps with the same spatial scale—and the same orientation—is known as a grid cell module.

Animal experiments suggest that different individuals use a similar combination of grid cell modules that can efficiently map rooms. But how can the brain reliably produce this particular combination? Using a computer model to simulate networks of grid cells, Kang and Balasubramanian identify a mechanism that enables the brain to spontaneously organize into the previously observed combination. The interactions between networks—in particular the balance of inhibitory and excitatory activity—determine the arrangement of grid cell modules. This process still works even with random fluctuations in network activity.

Grid cells occupy a brain region that degenerates early in the course of Alzheimer's disease. This may explain why some patients experience difficulty finding their way around as one of their first symptoms. To develop effective treatments, scientists need to understand how neural circuits within this brain region work, and how the disease process disrupts them. The computer model of Kang and Balasubramanian brings the research community a step closer to achieving this. It also provides insights into how neuronal networks self-organize, which is relevant to other brain functions too.