The mouth of a developing mouse, showing the embryonic structures that will go on to form the molar and incisor teeth (large purple circles), as well as the surface of the tongue and its taste buds (small purple dots). Image credit: Sophie Pantalacci (CC BY 4.0)
Over time species develop random mutations in their genetic sequence that causes their form to change. If this new form increases the survival of a species it will become favored through natural selection and is more likely to get passed on to future generations. But, the evolution of these new traits also depends on what happens during development.
Developmental mechanisms control how an embryo progresses from a single cell to an adult organism made of many cells. Mutations that alter these processes can influence the physical outcome of development, and cause a new trait to form. This means that if many different mutations alter development in a similar way, this can lead to the same physical change, making it ‘easy’ for a new trait to repeatedly occur. Most of the research has focused on finding the mutations that underlie repeated evolution, but rarely on identifying the role of the underlying developmental mechanisms.
To bridge this gap, Hayden et al. investigated how changes during development influence the shape and size of molar teeth in mice. In some wild species of mice, the front part of the first upper molar is longer than in other species. This elongation, which is repeatedly found in mice from different islands, likely came from developmental mechanisms.
Tooth development in mice has been well-studied in the laboratory, and Hayden et al. started by identifying two strains of laboratory mice that mimic the teeth seen in their wild cousins, one with elongated upper first molars and another with short ones. Comparing how these two strains of mice developed their elongated or short teeth revealed key differences in the embryonic structures that form the upper molar and cause it to elongate. Further work showed that variations in these embryonic structures can even cause mice that are genetically identical to have longer or shorter upper first molars.
These findings show how early differences during development can lead to small variations in form between adult species of mice. This study highlights how studying developmental differences as well as genetic sequences can further our understanding of how different species evolved.