Alleviating endometriosis

THC, the active component in cannabis, alleviates pain and inhibits the development of endometrial growths in a mouse model of endometriosis.

Image showing tissue that normally lines the uterus growing outside the uterine cavity of a mouse with endometriosis-like symptoms. Image credit: Alejandra Escudero-Lara (CC BY 4.0)

Endometriosis is a common disease in women caused by tissue that lines the uterus growing outside the uterine cavity on to other organs in the pelvis. This can cause a variety of symptoms including chronic pelvic pain, infertility, and pain during menstruation or sexual intercourse. These symptoms may contribute to anxiety, depression, loss of working ability and a reduced quality of life.

Currently available treatments for endometriosis, including hormonal therapy and surgery, have a limited effect and can produce unwanted side effects. For example, women who undergo surgery to remove the growths may experience post-surgical pain or a recurrence. As a result, women with endometriosis often rely on self-management strategies like dietary changes or exercise. Although cannabis consumption has a large number of potential side effects and can lead to substance abuse, it has been shown to provide pain relief in some conditions. But it is unknown whether it could be useful for treating endometriosis.

Now, Escudero-Lara et al. have created a mouse model that mimics some of the conditions of human endometriosis: pelvic pain, anxiety and memory impairments. The mice were treated with moderate doses of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the main pain-relieving component of cannabis. The THC reduced pelvic pain and cognitive impairments in the mice with the endometriosis-like condition, but it had no effect on their anxious behavior. Escudero-Lara et al. also noticed that endometrial growths were also smaller in the treated mice indicating that THC may also inhibit endometriosis development.

These experiments suggest that THC may be a useful treatment for patients with endometriosis. Clinical trials are already ongoing to test whether these findings translate to patients with the condition. Although THC and cannabis are readily available in some areas, Escudero-Lara et al. discourage using unregulated cannabis products due to the potential risks.