The world is full of rich and dynamic visual information. To avoid information overload, the human brain groups inputs into categories such as faces, houses, or tools. A part of the brain called the ventral occipito-temporal cortex (VOTC) helps categorize visual information. Specific parts of the VOTC prefer different types of visual input; for example, one part may tend to respond more to faces, whilst another may prefer houses. However, it is not clear how the VOTC characterizes information.
One idea is that similarities between certain types of visual information may drive how information is organized in the VOTC. For example, looking at faces requires using central vision, while looking at houses requires using peripheral vision. Furthermore, all faces have a roundish shape while houses tend to have a more rectangular shape. Another possibility, however, is that the categorization of different inputs cannot be explained just by vision, and is also be driven by higher-level aspects of each category. For instance, how humans use or interact with something may also influence how an input is categorized. If categories are established depending (at least partially) on these higher-level aspects, rather than purely through visual likeness, it is likely that the VOTC would respond similarly to both sounds and images representing these categories.
Now, Mattioni et al. have tested how individuals with and without sight respond to eight different categories of information to find out whether or not categorization is driven purely by visual likeness. Each category was presented to participants using sounds while measuring their brain activity. In addition, a group of participants who could see were also presented with the categories visually. Mattioni et al. then compared what happened in the VOTC of the three groups – sighted people presented with sounds, blind people presented with sounds, and sighted people presented with images – in response to each category.
The experiment revealed that the VOTC organizes both auditory and visual information in a similar way. However, there were more similarities between the way blind people categorized auditory information and how sighted people categorized visual information than between how sighted people categorized each type of input. Mattioni et al. also found that the region of the VOTC that responds to inanimate objects massively overlapped across the three groups, whereas the part of the VOTC that responds to living things was more variable.
These findings suggest that the way that the VOTC organizes information is, at least partly, independent from vision. The experiments also provide some information about how the brain reorganizes in people who are born blind. Further studies may reveal how differences in the VOTC of people with and without sight affect regions typically associated with auditory categorization, and potentially explain how the brain reorganizes in people who become blind later in life.