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The inside of a cell is a crowded space, full of proteins and other molecules. Yet, the molecular motors that transport some of those molecules within the cell move at the same speed as they would in pure water – about one micrometer per second. How the molecular motors could achieve such speeds in crowded cells was unclear. Nevertheless, Tjioe et al. suspected that the answer might be related to how multiple motors work together.
Molecular motors move by walking along filaments inside the cell and pulling their cargo from one location to another. Other molecules that bind to the filaments should, in theory, act like “roadblocks” and impede the movement of the cargo. Tjioe et al. studied a motor protein called kinesin, which walks on filaments called microtubules. But instead of looking at these motors moving along microtubules inside a cell, Tjioe et al. used a simpler system where the cell was eliminated, and all parts were purified. Specifically, Tjioe et al. tethered purified motors to a piece of glass and then observed them under an extremely accurate microscope as they moved free-floating, fluorescently labelled microtubules. The microtubules, in this scenario, were acting like cargoes, where many kinesins could bind. Each kinesin motor also had a small chemical tag that could emit light. By following the movement of the lights, it was possible to calculate what each kinesin was doing and how the cargo moved.
When more than one kinesin molecule was acting, the tension and speed of one kinesin affected the movement of the others. In any group of kinesins, about two-thirds of kinesin pulled the cargo, and unexpectedly, about one-third tended to resist and slow the cargo. These latter kinesins were moved along with the group without actually driving the cargo. These resisting kinesins did come off more rapidly than the driving kinesins, meaning the cargo should be able to quickly bypass roadblocks. This would help to keep the whole group travelling in the right direction at a steady pace.