When the GNOM protein is present (left), the auxin transporter PIN1 is expressed by single files of plant cells and is localized to the same side of those cells (lower levels in blue and purple; high levels in orange and yellow). In the absence of GNOM protein (right), many cells express PIN1, and its localization is at best weakly polarized. Image credit: Nguyen Manh Linh and Enrico Scarpella (CC BY 4.0)
Plants, animals and other living things grow and develop over their lifetimes: for example, oak trees come from acorns and chickens begin their lives as eggs. To achieve these transformations, the cells in those living things must grow, divide and change their shape and other features.
Plants and animals specify the directions in which their cells will grow and develop by gathering specific proteins to one side of the cells. This makes one side different from all the other sides, which the cells use as an internal compass that points in one direction. To align their internal compasses, animal cells touch one another and often move around inside the body. Plant cells, on the other hand, are surrounded by a wall that keeps them apart and prevents them from moving around. So how do plant cells align their internal compasses?
Scientists have long thought that a protein called GNOM aligns the internal compasses of plant cells. The hypothesis proposes that GNOM gathers another protein, called PIN1, to one side of a cell. PIN1 would then pump a plant hormone known as auxin out of this first cell and, in doing so, would also drain auxin away from the cell on the opposite side. In this second cell, GNOM would then gather PIN1 to the side facing the first cell, and this process would repeat until all the cells' compasses were aligned.
To test this hypothesis, Verna et al. combined microscopy with genetic approaches to study how cells' compasses are aligned in the leaves of a plant called Arabidopsis thaliana. The experiments revealed that auxin needs to move from cell-to-cell to align the cells’ compasses. However, contrary to the above hypothesis, this movement of auxin was not sufficient: the cells also needed to be able to detect and respond to the auxin that entered them. Along with controlling how auxin moved between the cells, GNOM also regulated how the cells responded to the auxin.
These findings reveal how plants specify which directions their cells grow and develop. In the future, this knowledge may eventually aid efforts to improve crop yields by controlling the growth and development of crop plants.