Creating diversity in the brain

How can one kind of stem cell give rise to all the different types of neurons in the cortex?

A group of excitatory neurons called pyramidal cells (in pink) produced by an individual radial glial cell in the mouse cortex. Image credit: Llorca et al. (CC BY 4.0)

Recognizable by its deep outer folds in humans, the cerebral cortex is a region of the mammalian brain which handles complex processes such as conscious perception or decision-making. It is organized in several layers that contain different types of ‘excitatory’ neurons which can activate other cells. The various areas of the cortex have different characteristics as they contain various proportions of each kind of neurons.

Stem cells are cells capable to divide and create various types of specialized cells. The excitatory neurons in the cortex are created during development by stem cells known as radial glial cells. These cells divide several times, giving rise to different types of neurons in sucessive divisions, presumably thanks to internal molecular clocks. In the cortex, it is generally assumed that an individual radial glial cell produces all the different types of excitatory neurons. However, studies have suggested that certain cells could be specialized in creating specific types of neurons.

To explore this question, Llorca et al. used three complementary approaches to follow individual radial glial cells and track the neurons they created in mouse embryos. This helped to understand how groups of stem cells work together to build the cortex. The experiments revealed that radial glial cells differ more than anticipated in the number and the types of neurons they generate, and rarely produce all types of excitatory neurons. In other words, the output of individual radial glial cells is not always the same. The results by Llorca et al. suggest that as radial glial cells divide, they undergo a series of probabilistic decisions – that is, in each division the cells have a certain probability to generate a specific type of neuron. Consequently, the resulting lineages are rarely identical or contain all types of excitatory neurons, but collectively they generate the full diversity of excitatory neurons in the cortex. Ultimately, new insights into how excitatory neurons form and connect in the brain may be used to help understand psychiatric conditions where circuits in the cortex might be impaired, such as in autism spectrum disorders.