As a damage sensor that protects DNA and initiates repairs, SIRT6 acts a bit like a paramedic who arrives first on the scene of an accident. Image credit: Camilo Jimenez (Public domain)
DNA is a double-stranded molecule in which the two strands run in opposite directions, like the lanes on a two-lane road. Also like a road, DNA can be damaged by use and adverse conditions. Double-strand breaks – where both strands of DNA snap at once – are the most dangerous type of DNA damage, so cells have systems in place to rapidly detect and repair this kind of damage.
There are three confirmed sensors for double-strand break in human cells. A fourth protein, known as SIRT6, arrives within five seconds of DNA damage, and was known to make the DNA more accessible so that it can be repaired. However, it was unclear whether SIRT6 could detect the double-strand break itself, or whether it was recruited to the damage by another double-strand break sensor.
To address this issue, Onn et al. blocked the three other sensors in human cells and watched the response to DNA damage. Even when all the other sensors were inactive, SIRT6 still arrived at damaged DNA and activated the DNA damage response. To find out how SIRT6 sensed DNA damage, Onn et al. examined how purified SIRT6 interacts with different kinds of DNA. This revealed that SIRT6 sticks to broken DNA ends, especially if the end of one strand slightly overhangs the other – a common feature of double-strand breaks. A closer look at the structure of the SIRT6 protein revealed that it contains a narrow tube, which fits over the end of one broken DNA strand. When both strands break at once, two SIRT6 molecules cap the broken ends, joining together to form a pair. This pair not only protects the open ends of the DNA from further damage, it also sends signals to initiating repairs. In this way, SIRT6 could be thought of acting like a paramedic who arrives first on the scene of an accident and works to treat the injured while waiting for more specialized help to arrive.
Understanding the SIRT6 sensor could improve knowledge about how cells repair their DNA. SIRT6 arrives before the cell chooses how to fix its broken DNA, so studying it further could reveal how that critical decision happens. This is important for medical research because DNA damage builds up in age-related diseases like cancer and neurodegeneration. In the long term, these findings can help us develop new treatments that target different types of DNA damage sensors.