Shedding light on Alzheimer’s

New approach allows researchers to use blue light to trigger the formation of brain plaques in animal models, recreating a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease for study in the laboratory.

Image credit: Teigan Rodger (Public domain)

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive condition that damages the brain over time. The cause is not clear, but a toxic molecule called Amyloid-β peptide seems to play a part. It builds up in the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease, forming hard clumps called plaques. Yet, though the plaques are a hallmark of the disease, experimental treatments designed to break them down do not seem to help. This raises the question – do Amyloid-β plaques actually cause Alzheimer's disease?

Answering this question is not easy. One way to study the effect of amyloid plaques is to inject clumps of Amyloid-β peptides into model organisms. This triggers Alzheimer's-like brain damage, but it is not clear why. It remains difficult to tell the difference between the damage caused by the injected Amyloid-β peptides and the damage caused by the solid plaques that they form. For this, researchers need a way to trigger plaque formation directly inside animal brains. This would make it possible to test the effects of plaque-targeting treatments, like the drug lithium.

Optogenetics is a technique that uses light to control molecules in living animals. Hsien, Kaur et al. have now used this approach to trigger plaque formation by fusing light-sensitive proteins to Amyloid-β peptides in worms, fruit flies and zebrafish. This meant that the peptides clumped together to form plaques whenever the animals were exposed to blue light. This revealed that, while both the Amyloid-β peptides and the plaques caused damage, the plaques were much more toxic. They damaged cell metabolism and caused tissue loss that resembled late Alzheimer's disease in humans. To find out whether it was possible to test Alzheimer's treatments in these animals, Hsien, Kaur et al. treated them with the drug, lithium. This increased their lifespan, reversing some of the damage caused by the plaques.

Alzheimer's disease affects more than 46.8 million people worldwide and is the sixth leading cause of death in the USA. But, despite over 50 years of research, there is no cure. This new plaque-formation technique allows researchers to study the effects of amyloid plaques in living animals, providing a new way to test Alzheimer's treatments. This could be of particular help in studies of experimental drugs that aim to reduce plaque formation.