Triple threat to rare muscle diseases

A new pipeline tests chemicals on three different animal models, accelerating drug discovery for a muscle disease with no treatment.

The three organisms used by Volpatti et al. for their drug testing pipeline: a nematode worm, a zebrafish and a mouse. Image credit: Claudia Stocker (CC BY 4.0)

Muscle cells have storage compartments stuffed full of calcium, which they release to trigger a contraction. This process depends on a channel-shaped protein called the ryanodine receptor, or RYR1 for short. When RYR1 is activated, it releases calcium from storage, which floods the muscle cell. Mutations in the gene that codes for RYR1 in humans cause a group of rare diseases called RYR1-related myopathies. The mutations change calcium release in muscle cells, which can make movement difficult, and make it hard for people to breathe. At the moment, RYR1 myopathies have no treatment.

It is possible that repurposing existing drugs could benefit people with RYR1-related myopathies, but trialing treatments takes time. The fastest and cheapest way to test whether compounds might be effective is to try them on very simple animals, like nematode worms. But even though worms and humans share certain genes, treatments that work for worms do not always work for humans. Luckily, it is sometimes possible to test whether compounds might be effective by trying them out on complex mammals, like mice. Unfortunately, these experiments are slow and expensive. A compromise involves testing on animals such as zebrafish. So far, none of these methods has been successful in discovering treatments for RYR1-related myopathies.

To maximize the strengths of each animal model, Volpatti et al. combined them, developing a fast and powerful way to test new drugs. The first step is an automated screening process that trials thousands of chemicals on nematode worms. This takes just two weeks. The second step is to group the best treatments according to their chemical similarities and test them again in zebrafish. This takes a month. The third and final stage is to test promising chemicals from the zebrafish in mouse muscle cells. Of the thousands of compounds tested here, one group of chemicals stood out – treatments that block the activity of a protein called p38. Volpatti et al. found that blocking the p38 protein, either with drugs or by inactivating the gene that codes for it, changed muscle calcium release. This suggests p38 blockers may have potential as a treatment for RYR1-related myopathies in mammals.

Using three types of animal to test new drugs maximizes the benefits of each model. This type of pipeline could identify new treatments, not just for RYR1-related myopathies, but for other diseases that involve genes or proteins that are similar across species. For RYR1-related myopathies specifically, the next step is to test p38 blocking treatments in mice. This could reveal whether the treatments have the potential to improve symptoms.