Comparing the brains of different species using neuroimaging. Image credit: Eichert et al. (CC BY 4.0)
How did language evolve? Since the human lineage diverged from that of the other great apes millions of years ago, changes in the brain have given rise to behaviors that are unique to humans, such as language. Some of these changes involved alterations in the size and relative positions of brain areas, while others required changes in the connections between those regions. But did these changes occur independently, or can the changes observed in one actually explain the changes we see in the other?
One way to answer this question is to use neuroimaging to compare the brains of related species, using different techniques to examine different aspects of brain structure. Imaging a fatty substance called myelin, for example, can produce maps showing the size and position of brain areas. Measuring how easily water molecules diffuse through brain tissue, by contrast, provides information about connections between areas.
Eichert et al. performed both types of imaging in macaques and healthy human volunteers, and compared the results to existing data from chimpanzees. Computer simulations were used to manipulate the myelin-based images so that equivalent brain areas in each species occupied the same positions. In most cases, the distortions – or 'warping' – needed to superimpose brain regions on top of one another also predicted the differences between species in the connections between those regions. This suggests that movement of brain regions over the course of evolution explain the differences previously observed in brain connectivity.
But there was one notable exception, namely a bundle of fibers with a key role in language called the arcuate fasciculus. This structure follows a slightly different route through the brain in humans compared to chimpanzees and macaques. Eichert et al. show that this difference cannot be explained solely by changes in the positions of brain regions. Instead, the arcuate fasciculus underwent additional changes in its course, which may have contributed to the evolution of language.
The framework developed by Eichert et al. can be used to study evolution in many different species. Interspecies comparisons can provide clues to how brain structure and activity relate to each other and to behavior, and this knowledge could ultimately help to understand and treat brain disorders.