DISC-overing a faster way to analyze molecular data

New software called DISC can identify different molecular states much faster than more commonly used algorithms.

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During a chemical or biological process, a molecule may transition through a series of states, many of which are rare or short-lived. Advances in technology have made it easier to detect these states by gathering large amounts of data on individual molecules. However, the increasing size of these datasets has put a strain on the algorithms and software used to identify different molecular states.

Now, White et al. have developed a new algorithm called DISC which overcomes this technical limitation. Unlike most other algorithms, DISC requires minimal input from the user and uses a new method to group the data into categories that represent distinct molecular states. Although this new approach produces a similar end-result, it reaches this conclusion much faster than more commonly used algorithms.

To test the effectiveness of the algorithm, White et al. studied how individual molecules of a chemical known as cAMP bind to parts of proteins called cyclic nucleotide binding domains (or CNDBs for short). A fluorescent tag was attached to single molecules of cAMP and data were collected on the behavior of each molecule. Previous evidence suggested that when four CNDBs join together to form a so-called tetramer complex, this affects the binding of cAMP. Using the DISC system, White et al. showed that individual cAMP molecules interact with all four domains in a similar way, suggesting that the binding of cAMP is not impacted by the formation of a tetramer complex.

Analyzing this data took DISC less than 20 minutes compared to existing algorithms which took anywhere between four hours and two weeks to complete. The enhanced speed of the DISC algorithm could make it easier to analyze much larger datasets from other techniques in addition to fluorescence. This means that a greater number of states can be sampled, providing a deeper insight into the inner workings of biological and chemical processes.