Recreating sensations

Spinal cord stimulation may help to provide sensations in missing limbs.

A participant taking the study. Image credit: UPMC (CC BY 4.0)

Even some of the most advanced prosthetic arms lack an important feature: the ability to relay information about touch or pressure to the wearer. In fact, many people prefer to use simpler prostheses whose cables and harnesses pass on information about tension. However, recent studies suggest that electrical stimulation might give prosthesis users more sensation and better control.

After an amputation, the nerves that used to deliver sensory information from the hand still exist above the injury. Stimulating these nerves can help to recreate sensations in the missing limb and improve the control of the prosthesis. Still, this stimulation requires complicated surgical interventions to implant electrodes in or around the nerves. Spinal cord stimulation – a technique where a small electrical device is inserted near the spinal cord to stimulate nerves – may be an easier alternative. This approach only requires a simple outpatient procedure, and it is routinely used to treat chronic pain conditions.

Now, Chandrasekaran, Nanivadekar et al. show that spinal cord stimulation can produce the feeling of sensations in a person’s missing hand or arm. In the experiments, four people who had an arm amputation underwent spinal cord stimulation over 29 days. During the stimulation, the participants reported feeling electrical buzzing, vibration, or pressure in their missing limb. Changing the strength of the electric signals delivered to the spinal cord altered the intensity of these sensations.

The experiments are a step toward developing better prosthetics that restore some sensation. Further studies are now needed to determine whether spinal cord stimulation would allow people to perform sensory tasks with a prosthetic, for example handling an object that they cannot see.