Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that can happen when the immune system overreacts to an infection and begins to damage tissues and organs in the body. It causes an extreme immune reaction called a cytokine storm, where the body releases uncontrolled levels of cytokines, proteins that are involved in coordinating the body’s response to infections. This in turn activates more immune cells, resulting in hyperinflammation.
People who survive sepsis may have long-lasing impairments in their immune system that may leave them more vulnerable to infections or cancer. But scientists do not know exactly what causes these lasting immune problems or how to treat them.
The fact that people are susceptible to cancer and infection after sepsis may offer a clue. It may suggest that the immune system is not able to attack bacteria or cancer cells. One way to explore this clue would be to test the effects of sepsis on autoimmune diseases, which cause the immune system to attack the body’s own cells. For example, in the autoimmune disease multiple sclerosis, the immune system attacks and destroys cells in the nervous system. If autoimmune disease is reduced after sepsis, it would suggest the cell-destroying abilities of the immune system are lessened.
Using this approach, Jensen, Jensen et al. show that sepsis reduces the number of certain immune cells, called CD4 T cells, which are are responsible for an autoimmune attack of the central nervous system. In the experiments, mice that survived sepsis were evaluated for their ability to develop a multiple sclerosis-like disease. Mice that survived sepsis developed less severe or no autoimmune disease. After sepsis, these animals also had fewer CD4 T cells. However, when these immune cells were reinstated, the autoimmune disease emerged.
The experiments help explain some of the immune system changes that occur after sepsis. Jensen, Jensen et al. suggest that rather than being completely detrimental, these changes may help to block harmful autoimmune responses. The experiments may also hint at new ways to combat autoimmune diseases by trying to replicate some of the immune-suppressing effects of sepsis. Studying the effect of sepsis on other autoimmune diseases in mice might provide more clues.