Could astrocytes and adenosine protect against PTSD?

Activating astrocytes prevents newly formed fear memories from stabilizing, with potential implications for conditions like PTSD.

A microscopy image of stained astrocytes (red and green) in a region of the hippocampus. Image credit: Li et al., 2020 (CC BY 4.0)

Memory is the record of what we learn over time and is essential to our survival. But not all memories are helpful. Repeatedly recalling a traumatic event – such as an assault – can be harmful. About 1 in 3 people who experience severe trauma go on to develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), in which they re-live the traumatic event in the form of flashbacks and nightmares. Others develop panic disorder, phobias or depression.

Preventing this chain of events is challenging because fear memories form rapidly and last a long time. Current treatments involve re-exposing individuals to the traumatic event. This could be real-life exposure in the case of a phobia. Or it could involve visualizing the event, in the case of PTSD. Controlled re-exposure can help individuals learn new coping strategies. But it does not erase the initial fear memory.

A better approach might be to take advantage of the fact that new memories are unstable. To form a long-lasting memory trace, newly acquired information must go through a process called consolidation to stabilize it. This process takes place in an area of the brain called the hippocampus. If consolidation does not occur, new memory traces can fade away.

Li, Li et al. now show that preventing consolidation in the rat brain stops the animals from forming lasting memories of a stressful event, namely a foot shock. In the study, the rats first learned to associate a foot shock with a tone. This training took place inside a specific chamber. After learning the association, the rats began to freeze – a sign of fear – whenever they entered the chamber. This happened even if the tone was not played. But Li, Li et al. showed that they could reduce this fear response by activating cells in the hippocampus known as astrocytes, shortly after the learning episode.

Activating the astrocytes made them release a substance called adenosine. Molecules of adenosine then bound to and activated proteins called adenosine A1 receptors. Administering a drug that activated these receptors directly had the same effect as activating the astrocytes themselves. This suggests that drugs of this type could one day help patients with fear-related disorders such as PTSD and phobias. For this to become a reality, new studies must test different drugs and find the best ways of administering them. After testing in animal models, the next step will be preliminary clinical trials in people.