Top-view of a larval zebrafish brain showing reconstructed neurons in the tectum. Cells that respond to large objects are shown in green. Image credit: Förster et al. (CC BY 4.0)
The retina is the thin layer of tissue in the eye that can receive light stimuli and convert them into electric signals to be transmitted to the brain. The cells that sense fine detail cluster at the center of the retina while the motion-sensing cells that keep track of movement lie at the periphery.
When zebrafish larvae hunt, their motion-sensing cells are triggered as a prey crosses their peripheral field of view. They then turn and swim towards it. As they approach, the prey image moves to the detail-sensing part of the retina and appears larger, filling more of the field of view at close range. The signals are then processed in defined parts of the brain, in particular in a region called the optic tectum. How this area is organized in response to the organization of the eye and the requirements of the hunt is still unclear.
Förster et al. set out to explore how the hunting routine of zebrafish larvae shapes the arrangement of neurons in the optic tectum. The larvae were exposed to different images representing the various aspects of the prey capture process: small moving dots represented passing prey at a distance, while large moving dots stood for prey just before capture. Measuring activity in the neurons of the optic tectum revealed that, like the eye, different areas specialize in different tasks. The back of the tectum was frequently activated by small dots and worked out which direction they were moving in during the first hunting steps. The front of the tectum responded best to large dots, often ignoring their direction, and helped the larvae to track their prey straight ahead. To test these findings, Förster et al. destroyed the large object-responsive cells with a laser and watched the larvae hunting real prey. Without the cells, the fish found it much harder to track and catch their targets.
These results shed light on the link between behavior and how neurons are arranged in the brain. Future work could explore how the different neurons in the optic tectum are connected, and the behaviors they trigger in the fish. This could help to reveal general principles about how sensory information guides behavior and how evolution has shaped the layout of the brain.