Discovery of an arousal state in female flies

The neural circuits underlying lasting changes in the behavior of female flies have been identified.

Together with aIPg-b,c neurons (green, blue), pC1 neurons (pC1d, in pink; pC1e, in red) form a network that underlies both persistent neural activity and behavioral state in female fruit flies. Image credit: Neurons reconstructed using FlyWire (, Dorkenwald et al., 2020; CC-BY-NC-4.0)

Long-term mental states such as arousal and mood variations rely on persistent changes in the activity of certain neural circuits which have been difficult to identify. For instance, in male fruit flies, the activation of a particular circuit containing ‘P1 neurons’ can escalate aggressive and mating behaviors. However, less is known about the neural networks that underlie arousal in female flies. A group of female-specific, ‘pC1 neurons’ similar to P1 neurons could play this role, but it was unclear whether it could drive lasting changes in female fly behavior.

To investigate this question, Deutsch et al. stimulated or shut down pC1 circuits in female flies, and then recorded the insects’ interactions with male flies. Stimulation was accomplished using optogenetics, a technique which allows researchers to precisely control the activity of specially modified light-sensitive neurons.

Silencing pC1 neurons in female flies diminished their interest in male partners and their suitor’s courtship songs. Activating these neural circuits made the females more receptive to males; it also triggered long-lasting aggressive behaviors not typically observed in virgin females, such as shoving and chasing.

Deutsch et al. then identified the brain cells that pC1 neurons connect to, discovering that these neurons are part of an interconnected circuit also formed of aIPg neurons – a population of fly brain cells that shows sex differences and is linked to female aggression. The brains of females were then imaged as pC1 neurons were switched on, revealing a persistent activity which outlasted the activation in circuits containing both pC1 and aIPg neurons. Thus, these results link neural circuit architecture to long lasting changes in neural activity, and ultimately, in behavior. Future experiments can build on these results to determine how this circuit is activated during natural social interactions.