Cells in the liver of a mouse, which have been treated with a CD14 drug that can reduce the damaging effects of sepsis. Image credit: Carlos M. Martinez (CC BY 4.0)
When the immune system detects an infection, it often launches an inflammatory response to fight off the disease. This defense mechanism is activated by a cascade of signaling molecules that can aggravate inflammation, causing it to damage the body’s own tissues and organs. This life-threatening reaction is referred to as sepsis, and kills around 11 million people each year. New approaches are therefore needed to help alleviate the damage caused by this condition.
The inflammatory response is often triggered by proteins called receptors, which sit on the surface of immune cells. When these receptors are activated, they induce cells to secrete proteins that travel around the body and activate immune cells that can eliminate the infection. In 2016, a group of researchers showed that a receptor called P2X7 stimulates the release of a signaling molecule called CD14. Patients with sepsis often have elevated amounts of CD14 in their bloodstream. Yet, it remained unclear what causes this rise in CD14 and what role this molecule plays in the development of sepsis.
Now, Alarcón-Vila et al. – including some of the researchers involved in the 2016 study – have investigated the role of P2X7 in mice undergoing sepsis. This was done by puncturing the mice’s intestines, causing bacteria to leak out and initiate an over-active immune response. Alarcón-Vila et al. found that mice lacking the P2X7 receptor had less CD14 and struggled to eliminate the bacterial infection from their system. This increase in bacteria caused excessive damage to the mice’s organs, ultimately leading to premature death.
These findings suggest that P2X7 plays an important role in preventing the onset of sepsis by helping maintain high levels of CD14 following infection. This result could help to identify new therapies that reduce the mortality rates of septic infections.