P. falciparum parasites, showing the surface coat (in green) that is shed by SUB2. Image credit: Collins, Hackett et al. (CC BY 4.0)
Malaria kills or disables hundreds of millions of people across the world, especially in developing economies. The most severe form of the disease is caused by Plasmodium falciparum, a single-cell parasite which, once inside a human host, forces its way into red blood cells to feed on a protein called haemoglobin. This invasion relies on P. falciparum being engulfed by the membrane of the red blood cell, which then seals off to form a compartment inside the cell where the parasite can feed and multiply. Invasion takes less than 30 seconds, and it involves P. falciparum losing the coat of proteins that covers its surface. An enzyme calls SUB2 cleaves or cuts off these proteins, but exactly why and how the shedding takes place during infection is still unclear.
To investigate, Collins, Hackett et al. deactivated the gene which codes for SUB2, and examined how mutant P. falciparum would survive and multiply. Without the enzyme, the parasites failed to shed many of their proteins, including some that were not previously known to be removed by SUB2. The majority of the genetically modified parasites also failed to invade red blood cells. In particular, most of the host cells ruptured, suggesting that the protein coat needs to be discarded for the engulfing process to be completed properly. When the enzyme-free mutants did manage to make their way into a red blood cell, they starved to death because they could not digest haemoglobin. SUB2 and surface coat shedding therefore appears to be essential for the parasite to survive.
P. falciparum is fast becoming resistant to the many drugs that exist to fight malaria. New treatments that target SUB2 may therefore help in combatting this deadly disease.