Methadone and car accidents

Methadone treatment of opioid-dependent individuals can affect their driving ability.

Image credit: Matt Chesin (CC0)

In 2019, 58 million people were estimated to use opioids – a group of substances that include drugs like heroin and morphine. Dependence on opioids can be managed using a prescribed dose of an opioid called methadone, which is administered through a controlled treatment plan. This so-called methadone maintenance treatment manages withdrawal symptoms in opioid-dependent individuals and can reduce the occurrences of overdose, criminal activity and transmission of diseases such as HIV.

However, methadone acts on the same brain receptors as other opioids, and individuals receiving methadone may experience impaired motoric and cognitive functioning, including reduced driving ability. It is therefore important to know whether methadone maintenance treatment may increase an individual’s risk to cause road accidents.

To assess motor vehicle collision risk associated with individuals receiving methadone maintenance treatment, Yang et al. analysed data from the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database and six Taiwanese administrative registries, including the ministries of health and welfare, interior and justice, and registries in substitution maintenance therapy, road accidents and the National Police Agency.

Initial analyses found that individuals receiving treatment had a higher risk to be involved in car accidents than the general adult population or those without methadone maintenance treatment. Further tests showed that individuals receiving treatment were at three times higher risk of collisions than individuals not receiving treatment, particularly in the first 90 days.

These findings may help individuals undergoing methadone maintenance treatment manage their risk of motor vehicle collisions. Further investigation is needed to reveal the underlying mechanisms of methadone-related impairment of driving ability.