Our genome provides a complete set of genetic instructions for life. It begins by directing the growth and development of the embryo, and subsequently supports all the cells of the adult body in their daily routines. Yet approximately 10% of the DNA in mammalian genomes is made up of sequences originating from past retroviral infections, leaving a calling card in our genetic code.
While these segments of retroviral DNA can no longer produce new infectious viruses, some of them retain the ability to copy themselves and jump into new parts of the genome. This can be problematic if they jump into and disrupt an important piece of genetic code. To protect against this, our bodies have evolved the ability to chemically strap down retroviral sequences by adding methyl groups to them and by modifying the proteins they are wrapped around. However, some of these endogenous retroviruses can dodge such so-called epigenetic modifications and disrupt genome function as a result.
Studying a population of widely used inbred laboratory mice, Bertozzi et al. have identified a retroviral element that evades these epigenetic restraints. They discovered that some mice carry a full-length retroviral sequence while others have a shortened version of the same element. The shorter sequence lacked the repressive epigenetic marks found on the longer version, and this affected the expression of nearby genes. Moreover, the repressive marks could be partially restored by breeding the short-version mice with a distantly related mouse strain.
Bertozzi et al. highlight an important issue for research using mouse models. Inbred laboratory mouse strains are assumed to have a fixed genetic code which allows scientists to conclude that any observed differences in their experiments are not a product of background genetic variation. However, this study emphasizes that this assumption is not guaranteed, and that hidden genetic diversity may be present in ostensibly genetically identical mice, with important implications for experimental outcomes.
In addition, Bertozzi et al. provide a new mouse model for researchers to study the evolution and regulation of retroviral sequences and the impact of these processes on cell function.