New nerve cells in a developing organism face a difficult challenge: finding the right partners to connect with in order to form the complex neural networks characteristic of a fully formed brain. Each cell encounters many potential matches but it chooses to connect to only a few, partly based on the proteins that decorate the surface of both cells. Still, too many cell types exist for each to have its own unique protein label, suggesting that nerve cells may also use the amount of each protein to identify suitable partners.
Douthit, Hairston et al. explored this possibility in developing fruit flies, focusing on how R7 photoreceptor cells – present in the eye to detect UV light – connect to nerve cells in a specific brain layer. It is easy to spot when the process goes awry, as the incorrect connections will be in a different layer. Experiments allowed Douthit, Hairston et al. to identify a protein baptized ‘Lost and found’ – ‘Loaf’ for short – which R7 photoreceptors use to find their partners.
Removing Loaf from the photoreceptors prevented them from connecting with their normal partners. Surprisingly though, removing Loaf from both the eye and the brain solved this problem – the cells, once again, formed the right connections. This suggests that R7 photoreceptors identify their partners by looking for cells that have less Loaf than they do: removing Loaf only from the photoreceptors disrupts this balance, leaving the cells unable to find their match. Another unexpected discovery was that Loaf is not present on the surface of cells, but instead occupies internal structures involved in protein transport. It may therefore work indirectly by controlling the movement of proteins to the cell surface.
These findings provide a new way of thinking about how nerve cells connect. In the future, this may help to understand the origins of conditions in which the brain is wired differently, such as schizophrenia and autism.