Many bacteria can cause sepsis. Image credit: Public domain
A dirty cut, a nasty burn, a severe COVID infection; there are many ways for someone to develop sepsis. This life-threatening condition emerges when the immune system overreacts to a threat and ends up damaging the body.
Even when patients survive, they are often left with a partially impaired immune system that cannot adequately protect against microbes and cancer; this is known as immunoparalysis. Memory CD8 T cells, a type of immune cell that is compromised by sepsis, are a long-lived population of cells that ‘remember’ previous infection or vaccination, and then react faster to prevent the same illness if the person ever encounters the same threat again. Yet it is unclear how exactly sepsis harms the function and representation of memory CD8 T cells, and the immune system in general.
Jensen et al. investigated this question, first by showing that sepsis leads to a profound loss of memory CD8 T cells, but that surviving memory CD8 T cells multiply quickly – especially a subpopulation known as central memory CD8 T cells – to re-establish the memory CD8 T cell population. Since the central memory CD8 T cells proliferate better than the other memory T cells this alters the overall composition of the pool of memory CD8 T cells, with central memory cells becoming overrepresented.
Further experiments revealed that this biasing toward central memory T cells, due to sepsis, created long-term changes in the distribution of memory CD8 T cells throughout the body. The way the genetic information of these cells was packaged had also been altered, as well as which genes were switched on or off. Overall, these changes reduced the ability of memory CD8 T cells to control infections.
Together, these findings help to understand how immunoparalysis can emerge after sepsis, and what could be done to correct it. These findings could also be applied to other conditions – such as COVID-19 – which may cause similar long-term changes to the immune system.