All healthy cells have a highly organized interior: different compartments with specialized roles are in different places, and in order to do their jobs properly, proteins need to be in the right place. Endosomes are membrane-bound compartments that act as transport hubs where proteins are sorted into small vesicles and delivered to other parts of the cell. Two groups of proteins regulate this transport: the first group, known as VPS9 GEFs, switches on the enzymes that recruit the second group of proteins, called the sorting nexins. This second group is responsible for forming the transport vesicles via which proteins are distributed all over the cell. Defects in protein sorting can lead to various diseases, including neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and juvenile amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Scientists often use budding yeast cells to study protein sorting, because these cells are similar to human cells, but easier to grow in large numbers and examine in the laboratory. Previous work showed that a yeast protein called Vrl1 is equivalent to a VPS9 GEF from humans called VARP. However, Vrl1 only exists in wild forms of budding yeast, and not in laboratory strains of the organism. Therefore, researchers had not studied Vrl1 in detail, and its roles remained unclear.
To learn more about Vrl1, Shortill et al. started by re-introducing the protein into laboratory strains of budding yeast and observing what happened to protein sorting in these cells. Like VARP, Vrl1 was found in the endosomes of budding yeast. However, biochemical experiments revealed that, while human VARP binds to a protein called retromer, Vrl1 does not bind to the equivalent protein in yeast. Instead, Vrl1 itself has features of both the VPS9 GEFs and the sorting nexins. Shortill et al. also found that Vrl1 interacted with a different protein in the sorting nexin family called Vin1. In the absence of Vrl1, Vin1 was found floating around the cell, but once Vrl1 was re-introduced into the budding yeast, Vin1 relocated to the endosomes. Vrl1 uses its VPS9 GEF part to move itself to the endosome membrane, and Vin1 controls this movement, highlighting the interdependence between the two proteins. Once they are at the endosome together, Vrl1 and Vin1 help redistribute proteins to other parts of the cell.
This study suggests that, like VARP, Vrl1 cooperates with sorting nexins to transport proteins. Since many previous experiments about protein sorting were carried out in yeast cells lacking Vrl1, it is possible that this process was overlooked despite its potential importance. These new findings could also help other researchers investigating how endosomes and protein sorting work, or do not work, in the context of neurodegenerative diseases.