Growing better together

Crops that are grown on the same field for at least two generations evolve positive interactions with each other, reducing competition for resources.

Several crops growing together in a field. Image credit: Carlos Barriga Cabanillas (CC BY 4.0)

Plants have two ways of interacting with each other: they can compete with each other if they use the same resources; or they can ‘help’ each other in what is known as facilitation, for example, when a larger plant protects a smaller plant in harsh environments. These interactions can vary over several generations in response to changes in the environment or the surrounding plant community. For instance, in plant communities formed by many different species, like in most natural systems, competition usually decreases over time as the plants ‘learn’ to grow together.

In agriculture, intercropping – defined as growing at least two species of crop at the same time on the same field – takes advantage from a reduction in competition. The idea is that planting two species that grow differently together will lead to less competition than having a single crop because the two species will use slightly different resources, or use them at different times. However, intercropping has traditionally overlooked changes in the interactions between plants as a result of the crop species evolving after being grown together for generations. Indeed, farmers that practice intercropping generally use standard seeds that have been bred to produce high yields when planted on their own, in what is known as monoculture. If plants can adapt and become less competitive when they are grown together over several generations, then using these standard seeds might limit the success of intercropping.

Stefan, Engbersen and Schöb wanted to know whether crop species adapt to the levels of plant diversity surrounding them over generations, and if so, how they do it. To find this out, they investigated how competition and facilitation changed when six crop species (wheat, oat, lentil, coriander, flax and camelina) that grow annually were grown together in different combinations over several generations. Stefan, Engbersen and Schöb started off with seeds normally used for growing these crops on their own, and planted them either on their own, or in different combinations of two or four species. They then repeated the experiment over the course of three years, each year using seeds from the previous year, recording both crop yields and changes in how the plants interacted with each other.

The experiments showed that interactions among these annual crops shifted towards reduced competition and/or increased facilitation when the plants were growing alongside the same crops as their parents did in the previous two generations.

Improving and promoting the development of intercropping is essential for agricultural sustainability, as it could offer alternatives to intensive monocultures (crops grown on their own that require increased resources). Stefan, Engbersen and Schöb’s findings are relevant for programmes aimed at developing seeds for intercropping, as they highlight the importance of including diversity when developing these seeds. However, before these results can be used in the field, longer experiments (of more than three generations) in different environments should be carried out to confirm the findings. Another question that remains open is what the mechanisms underlying adaptations to intercropping are: more in-depth research will be needed to determine whether the changes observed have a genetic basis.