Mice genetically engineered to carry mutations that make the KCNMA1 protein more active (left) are hunched and immobilized after a stress test which triggers involuntary immobility; unaltered mice (middle) exhibit normal behaviour, and those with reduced KCNMA1 activity appear restless. Image credit: Cooper Roache and Andrea Meredith (CC BY 4.0)
So far, only 70 patients around the world have been diagnosed with a newly identified rare syndrome known as KCNMA1-linked channelopathy. The condition is characterised by seizures and abnormal movements which include frequent ‘drop attacks’, a sudden and debilitating loss of muscle control that causes patients to fall without warning.
The disease is associated with mutations in the gene for KCNMA1, a member of a class of proteins important for controlling nerve cell activity and brain function. However, due to the limited number of people affected by the condition, it is difficult to link a particular mutation to the observed symptoms; the basis for the drop attacks therefore remains unknown. Park et al. set out to ‘model’ KCNMA1-linked channelopathy in the laboratory, in order to determine which mutations in the KCNMA1 gene caused these symptoms.
Three groups of mice were each genetically engineered to carry either one of the two most common mutations in the gene for KCNMA1, or a very rare mutation associated with the movement symptoms. Behavioural experiments and studies of nerve cell activity revealed that the mice carrying mutations that made the KCNMA1 protein more active developed seizures more easily and became immobilized, showing the mouse version of drop attacks. Giving these mice the drug dextroamphetamine, which works in some human patients, stopped the immobilizing attacks altogether.
These results show for the first time which specific genetic changes cause the main symptoms of KCNMA1-linked channelopathy. Park et al. hope that this knowledge will deepen our understanding of this disease and help develop better treatments.