Feeling the tension

‘Dimples’ in the cell membrane help to regulate the number of surface proteins which can act as mechanical sensors.

Compared to their normal counterparts (right), mouse cells that cannot form caveolae (left) show increased active integrin recruitment (magenta) to beads coated with proteins they can bind to. Image credit: Lolo et al. (CC BY 4.0).

Cells can physically sense their immediate environment by pulling and pushing through integrins, a type of proteins which connects the inside and outside of a cell by being studded through the cellular membrane. This sensing role can only be performed when integrins are in an active state.

Two main mechanisms regulate the relative amount of active integrins: one controls the activation of the proteins already at the cell surface; the other, known as recycling, impacts how many new integrins are delivered to the membrane. Both processes are affected by changes in cell membrane tension, which is itself controlled by dimples (or ‘caveolae’ – little caves in Latin) present in the cell surface. Caveolae limit acute changes in tension by taking in (pinching off the dimples) or releasing (dimples flattening) segments of the membrane. However, it is still unclear how integrins and caveolae mechanically interact to regulate the ability for a cell to read its environment.

To understand this process, Lolo et al. focused on mouse cells genetically manipulated to not build caveolae on their surfaces, and which cannot properly sense mechanical changes in their surroundings. These were exposed to beads covered in an integrin-binding protein and manipulated using magnetic tweezers. The manipulation showed that mutated cells bound to the beads more strongly than non-modified cells, indicating that they had more active integrins on their surface. This change was due to both an accelerated recycling mechanism (which resulted in more integrin being brought at the surface) and an increase in integrin activation (which was triggered by a higher membrane tension). Caveolae therefore couple mechanical inputs to integrin recycling and activation.

Healthy tissues rely on cells correctly sensing physical changes in their environment so they can mount an appropriate response. This ability, for example, is altered in cancerous cells which start to form tumours. The findings by Lolo et al. bring together physics and biology to provide new insights into the potential mechanisms causing such impairments.