Putting polygenic risk scores to the test

Can measures of cancer risk established using genetic data from individuals of European ancestry also be applied to an East Asian population?

Image credit: Arek Socha, Pixabay (C00)

Although humans contain the same genes, the sequence within these DNA sites can vary from person to person. These small variations, also known as genetic variants, can increase the risk of developing certain diseases. While each variant will only have a weak effect, if multiple variations are present the odds of developing the disease becomes significantly higher.

To determine which variants are linked to a disease, researchers carry out genome-wide association studies which involve analyzing the genomes of individuals with and without the condition and comparing their genetic codes. This data is then used to calculate how different combinations of variants impact a person’s chance of getting the disease, also known as a polygenic risk score.

Currently, most genome-wide association studies only incorporate genetic data from people with European ancestry. Consequently, polygenic risk scores performed using this information may not accurately predict the risk of developing the disease for individuals with other ethnicities, such as people with Asian ancestry.

Here, Ho et al. evaluated how well previously calculated polygenic risk scores for the four most common cancers (breast, colorectal, prostate and lung) worked on individuals of East Asian descent. The scores were tested on a dataset containing the genetic sequence, medical history, diet and activity levels of over 21,000 people living in Singapore in the 1990s. Ho et al. found that the polygenic risk scores for breast, prostate and colorectal cancer were able to predict disease risk. However, the score for lung cancer did not perform as well. The polygenic risk score for breast cancer was the most accurate, and was able to stratify individuals into distinct risk bands at an earlier age than other scores.

These findings shed light on which existing polygenic risk scores will be effective at assessing cancer risk in individuals with East Asian ancestry. Indeed, Ho et al. have already incorporated the polygenic risk score for breast cancer into a pilot study screening individuals in a comparable population in Singapore. However, the polygenic risk scores tested still performed better on individuals with European ancestry, highlighting the need to address the lack of Asian representation in genome-wide association studies.