How to wire a brain

The neuronal protein Latrophilin-2 helps to shape the developing brain by switching between roles depending on the context.

The hippocampus of a young mouse in which proximal CA1 cells (in cyan) have been forced to express Latrophilin-2; this changed where these neurons normally send their projections to establish brain circuits. Image credit: Pederick, Perry-Hauser et al. (CC BY 4.0)

The complex brain circuits that allow animals to sense and interact with their environment start to form early during development. Throughout this period, neurons extend fiber-like projections to establish precise wiring patterns. Various types of proteins at the surface of both incoming fibers and target cells ensure that only the right partners will connect together.

Latrophilin-2, for example, is a neuronal surface protein essential for the formation of accurate connections in the hippocampus, a brain region important for memory. Studded through the membrane of certain neurons, it acts as a signal-sending ligand to direct incoming fibers, with neurons that carry Latrophilin-2 repelling projections from cells that display certain protein partners.

At the same time, Latrophilin-2 also allows neurons to receive chemical signals by working with intracellular signaling proteins known as G proteins, which help to relay information between cells. It remained unclear how this role as a signalling receptor participates in the wiring of the hippocampus during development.

To explore this question, Pederick, Perry-Hauser et al. examined the impact of Latrophilin-2 on the connection patterns of mouse hippocampal neurons that do not normally carry this protein. Introducing Latrophilin-2 into these ‘proximal CA1 cells’ misdirected them away from their usual partners – unless Latrophilin-2 was altered so that it could not interact with G proteins. In contrast, forcing the connecting partners of CA1 cells to display normal or altered versions of Latrophilin-2 did not interfere with the protein acting as a repulsive ligand. Taken together, these results suggest that the ability of Latrophilin-2 to signal through G proteins is important for neurons that are attempting to project their fibers onto other cells, but not important when Latrophilin-2 acts in targets to direct incoming fibers from other neurons.

These results show that a single protein can shape neural circuits by acting both as a signal-receiving receptor and a signal-sending ligand depending on the context. In the future, Pederick, Perry-Hauser et al. hope that their findings will shed new light on how the wiring of the brain is disrupted in neurodevelopmental disorders.