Metabolic speed limits

Changing the amount of specific helper molecules in the cell controls the rate of the metabolic reactions that power life.

Image credit: Ludovic Charlet (CC0)

Metabolism powers individual cells and ultimately the body. It comprises a sequence of chemical reactions that cells use to break down substances and generate energy. These reactions are catalyzed by enzymes, which are proteins that speed up the rate of the reaction. Many reactions also involve co-substrates, which are themselves transformed by individual reactions but are eventually converted back into their original form in a series of steps. This process is known as co-substrate cycling.

Scientists have long been interested in understanding what controls the rate at which metabolic reactions and metabolic pathways convert a substance into a final product. This is a difficult subject to study because of the complexity of the metabolic pathways, with their branched, linear or coupled structures. In the past, researchers have looked at the influence of enzymes on the rate of a metabolic pathway, but less has been known about the effect of co-substrate cycling.

To find out more, West, Delattre et al. developed a series of mathematical models to describe different types of metabolic pathways in terms of the number of metabolites that enter and leave it, including the influence of co-substrates.

They found that co-substrate cycling, when involved in a metabolic reaction, limits the speed with which the reaction happens. This is distinct from the limit that enzymes impose on the speed of the reaction. It depends on the total amount of co-substrates in the cell: changing the number of co-substrates in the cell influences the speed at which the metabolic reaction takes place.

This study has increased our understanding of how metabolic pathways work, and what controls the speed at which reactions take place. It opens up a new potential method for explaining how cells control metabolic reaction rates and how metabolic substrates can be directed across different pathways. This research is likely to inspire future research into the influence of co-substrates in different cell types and conditions.