Avoiding harm is fundamental for the survival of animals. Nerve cells called nociceptors can detect potential damage, such as extreme temperatures, sharp objects and certain chemicals. In humans, this detection – known as nociception – leads to signals travelling from nociceptors through the spinal cord to the brain, which perceives them as pain.
Mammals such as humans and rodents can inhibit nociception by sending signals from the brain to the spinal cord to dampen pain. This top-down dampening process is believed to play a crucial role in regulating pain in mammals, and it has been implicated in the development of chronic pain. It was not known whether non-mammalian animals shared this inhibitory pathway. However, previous work had shown that fruit fly produce a molecule called Drosulfakinin, which is similar to the chemical that mammals use in the top-down signalling pathway which controls pain.
To determine the role of Drosulfakinin in controlling fly nociception, Oikawa et al. manipulated its activity – and the activity of related genes – in specific neurons in the fruit fly nervous system. Without Drosulfakinin, fly larvae were more sensitive to heat exposure, suggesting that this molecule is required to inhibit nociception. Further experiments showed that Drosulfakinin is present only in the brain of fly larvae and activation of its signaling lowers the activity of neurons that transmit nociceptive signals in the insect equivalent of the spinal cord. This confirms that insect brains can dampen nociception via a top-down pathway, using a similar molecule to mammals.
The findings provide an important foundation for pain studies using non-mammalian animals. The ability to manipulate nociception using genetic techniques in flies offers a powerful tool to understand the top-down process of controlling pain. This result also raises the possibility that this shared top-down inhibition mechanism may have developed over 550 million years ago, which could lead to further research into how nociception and pain regulation systems evolved.