Vulnerable cancer cells

A genetic screen reveals genes that some ovarian cancer cells require to survive a period of inactivity.

Scatter plot of genetic dependencies of dormant HGSOC cells. Image credit: Perampalam et al. (CC BY 4.0)

High-grade serous ovarian cancer (or HGSOC for short) is the fifth leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women. It is generally diagnosed at an advanced stage of disease when the cancer has already spread to other parts of the body. Surgical removal of tumors and subsequent treatment with chemotherapy often reduces the signs and symptoms of the disease for a time but some cancer cells tend to survive so that patients eventually relapse.

The HGSOC cells typically spread from the ovaries by moving through the liquid surrounding organs in the abdomen. The cells clump together and enter an inactive state known as dormancy that allows them to survive chemotherapy and low-nutrient conditions. Understanding how to develop new drug therapies that target dormant cancer cells is thought to be an important step in prolonging the life of HGSOC patients.

Cancer cells are hardwired to multiply and grow, so Perampalam et al. reasoned that becoming dormant poses challenges for HGSOC cells, which may create unique vulnerabilities not shared by proliferating cancer cells. To find out more, the researchers used HGSOC cells that had been isolated from patients and grown in the laboratory. The team used a gene editing technique to screen HGSOC cells for genes required by the cells to survive when they are dormant.

The experiments found that genes involved in a cell signaling pathway, known as Netrin signaling, were critical for the cells to survive. Previous studies have shown that Netrin signaling helps the nervous system form in embryos and inhibits a program of controlled cell death in some cancers. Perampalam et al. discovered that Netrins were present in the environment immediately surrounding dormant HGSOC cells. Human HGSOC patients with higher levels of Netrin gene expression had poorer prognoses than patients with lower levels of Netrin gene expression. Further experiments demonstrated that Netrins help dormant HGSOC cells to spread around the body.

These findings suggest that Netrin signalling may provide useful targets for future drug therapies against dormant cells in some ovarian cancers. This could include repurposing drugs already in development or creating new inhibitors of this pathway.